Saturday, November 20, 2010

Borrowers should not have false hope.

“Borrowers should not have false hopes that [the foreclosure scandal] is going to lead to a substantial number of foreclosures being permanently forgotten,” Rep. Barney Frank said during Congressional hearings yesterday [reported by the Washington Post].

Strong words from the outgoing chairman of the Financial Services Committee, and even stronger when paired with the new mortgage delinquency numbers.

Following are the percentages of mortgages in default and the foreclosure process (from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s National Delinquency Survey): Prime Loans: 9.94% Subprime Loans: 40.29% FHA Loans: 16.44% VA Loans: 9.96% All loans: 13.78% The survey covered 44 million loans, meaning there are more than six million mortgages not being paid in the U.S. today. This means millions of homeowners are looking for answers to their financial challenges … answers that can be provided by educated real estate agents, and increasingly come in the form of short sales. According to CoreLogic, distressed property sales have increased steadily and rapidly over the last few years. In particular, the company reported 60,000 single-family short sales completed in the 2Q 2010, which is a record high. So, while Citigroup announced it will review about 14,000 foreclosure-related documents, and Bank of America said it will reform its foreclosure process,
Credited to CDPE Blog of November 19 2010.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Fall Around the Lake, Prettiest Time of Year!

The views of the lake are beautiful this time of year. I love driving into Woodward Lake and watching the turning of the leaves. You don't have to go far to enjoy vibrant colors.

The sunsets lately have been amazing too. Lots of pinks and oranges in the horizon.

New on recent sale activity for homes at Woodward Lake are as follows:

Lowest price sold, $158,500.
Highest price sold, $700,000.

This is a great time to buy your dream home or investment property.